Now we're cookin'

Cooking here has been an interesting experience. Kitchens are small and from what we are used to, poorly equipped. Some of what we lack we just need to buy – like measuring cups and a sharp knife. But other aspects of this little kitchen we’ll just have to get used to.
I’m getting to know my mini-oven/stovetop combo. To turn it on, I have to strike a match, turn on the gas and light the unit on the inside bottom. It’s easiest to do sitting on the floor. There is a temperature knob, but it’s like trying to control the temperature of a grill. Really, it’s just on or off. There is no timer.
The stove top is a little better, but I still have to strike a match every time. Keep lots of fosforos on hand or you’re eating dinner raw.
The fridge is new (yay!) but small (duh). Clean your plate because there is no room for leftovers. Being a food packrat is not an option.
We do not have a toaster, blender, mixer, or coffee maker. Forget about a food processor, crock pot, ice dispenser, garbage disposal, carving knife, wok, espresso maker, bread machine, waffle iron, ice cream maker, juicer, trash compactor, panini press, deep fryer, pasta maker, fondue pot, or George Foreman grill.
Regardless, you are all invited over for dinner anytime. I make a mean Pancutra and will try Pollo a la Naranja this weekend. Right now I gotta go – I have galettas in the oven and I don’t know how long they’ve been cooking.
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