Danger Zone
Today I navigated the Death Spiral. Ciervo aptly named this man made hazard that we have to cross to get to the feria (see previous post), aka the “fruit parade” (as per Margarita). It is a dreadful concept whereby many cars traveling at high speeds due to centrifugal force careen around a circular concrete barrier only to be flung out in all directions, much like the ominous merry-go-round of our childhoods. You may know it as a traffic round-about. It terrifies me.
Por general, nada me da miedo. In general, there is little to fear here. But this is a big city and you can't be too careful. While downtown last weekend, we witnessed a woman get her earrings stolen right out of her ears. Ciervo witnessed an old woman being robbed from her car while she was stopped at a stop light (smash and grab). While violent crime is low, pick-pocketing (pick-earring?) and theft is common.
I guess I am a little afraid of my bread.

Seriously mom, don’t worry about us. We take precautions and are careful. My purse is empty, my earrings are from Target, and my breath would stop any attacker. I brave the traffic circle of death only when there’s no other option. The only thing threatened here is my sanity, which has been known to spiral out of control.
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