My Fabulous Phone
I have a cell phone. It’s a flip phone and when I open it up lights come on. I look smart walking down the street holding it to my ear.
It took me only a few hours to realize that I had bought a pre-paid cell phone with no minutes. Apparently they sell the phone at one store and the minutes at another. I found the second store and bought $5,000 pesos worth which could last me one day to three months, who knows.
To make a call from one land line to another you simply dial the number. To dial a land line from a cell phone you need a 02 first except sometimes when you need the country code of 56 and then a 2 with no 0. To dial a cell phone from a land line you have to dial 8 or 9 first depending on the cell phone and phase of the moon. A mobile to mobile call requires a 08 or 09 depending on your phone, the cell phone you are dialing, and if you can carry a tune.
To check and see how many minutes you have left, dial 301. They’ll answer in Spanish and you’ll still have no idea. “Call waiting” means I can’t find my phone in my purse so you’ll just have to wait. I have no idea how to access voice mail.
If you ate empanadas for dinner last night, your phone may not work in the morning. If you had tomatoes, then you can only talk while sitting down. If the backlight on your phone is blue, then you can use it in your apartment, otherwise, it only works on the metro and in coffee shops.
I’d give you my new phone number, but I’m really not sure what it is. Also, I think I’m out of minutes. But I look fabulous walking down the street.
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