Felices Festivas

The context clues are just all wrong. The days are getting longer, the weather warmer, and flowers are budding. That overweight viejo (old guy) in the red suit looks grotesquely out of place, and listening to “Walking in a Winter Wonderland” while shopping for swimsuits is just strange.
Nevertheless, we are trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Tonight, we attended “Carols by Candlelight” at the home of the British Ambassador. It was a picnic in the jardin (garden) benefiting the Salvation Army. Tomorrow we’ll slather on the crema para sol (sunscreen), hit the artisan market for gifts, and then the pool. I’m starting to plan Christmas dinner and am thinking vienesa (hotdogs) on the asado (grill) and fresh fruit.
While I usually love the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I admit I’m not missing it this year. We will not be sending cards, baking cookies, or decorating whatsoever. I have no sprinkles, tinsel, or pine scented spray in the departamento. The only red thing to be found is my new speedo. I’m not a scrooge, just an opportunist: taking advantage of getting away with being a Christmas sloth for once.
In reality, Jesus was born in the desert, and it was probably closer to summertime than winter. I’m sure the original shepherds stood in the sun all day were just as hot and stinky as our poor Santa in his big red snowsuit. Mary probably wore sandals, and she could have caught some great sales on new ones down here. So maybe Chile is closer to an authentic Christmas than I thought.
While La Pascua Navidad will be untraditional by our standards, it promises to be fun. My parents are coming out and we’ll go to the beach. The girls will perform in a Christmas play at church and then celebrate after with ice cream (what else?). Maybe I’ll invest in a green swimcap to compliment my new swimsuit.
My only goal is to keep the season in context, and remember the reason for the celebration. The observance needs no extra fanfare. Whether hot or cold, north or south, summer or winter, this is a holiday that unites us all.
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