How come no one ever told me about Nutella? Food of the gods and I had to go all the way to Buenos Aires to first hear of this sweet nectar of life. I tasted it and the earth moved.
Yea, BA (that’s what we Santiaguinos call it) rocks. Between the Nutella (a taste of heaven and ground cocoa, mixed with sugar from the sweetest cane and hazelnuts grown by angles, is not the least bit South American but makes me want to Tango anyway), Dulce de Leche (like Nutella but is made from sweet milk and tastes like carmel), and Malbec (Argentinian red wine that neither looks nor tastes like Nutella but is yummy none-the-less) I could have stayed for more than just a weekend. But me and the other CP’s (Chilean Princesses) had to get home to our adoring fans (hungry kids). The shopping is fantastic, the food is fabulous and the peso is seriously devalued. Yup, BA has everything a CP could ever want.
But while BA was a blast, it’s Chile that literally rocks my world. You read about the 6.6 earthquake that shook Hawaii a few weeks ago, but did you hear about the 6.4 that Chile experienced the day before? Or the 5.3 that struck the day after? The strongest earthquake every recorded in world history shook Chile in 1960 registering 9.5 on the Richter Scale. It turns out earthquakes happen in Chile everyday. For most of them, I’ve had an alibi.

So maybe it wasn’t the Nutella that moved me. Maybe the earth did quake. Maybe it was the smell of Argentenian leather in the shops that made me swoon. Maybe that glass of Malbec after running 26.2 miles made me a little unsteady. But most likely, it was because this princess left her entourage behind, and it wasn’t until I returned to my rightful place as La Reina de la casa (Queen of the house) where I could stand steady.
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