Defining Success
I used to start my day making a laundry list of oh-so-important-things that I needed to complete in order to have a “successful” day. Sometimes, those things were more than just items on a list, they gave my life meaning. My crowded schedule meant I was important and mattered. But a smarter person than me once said, “Hurry is not of the devil, it is the devil”.
When we first got to Chile, we incorporated the “one-thing-a-day” plan because even the simplest tasks were challenging. Taking the pressure off allowed me some breathing room. But now I really resent having to do one whole thing a day. I mean, I just did something yesterday, and I deserve a day off.
Perhaps that is why we enjoyed La Serena so much. It is a coastal town about 5 hours north of Santiago that we visited with my parents. The name means “Serenity” and the inhabitants are mocked for being so laid-back as to be barely alive. We fit right in.
Today I will make ice. It will be exhausting, but I should have it done by evening and then I’ll earn my checkmark for the day. Sometimes, success can be so humbling…
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