La Vida Loca

Friday, January 05, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss

Every mom wants their child to aim high when it comes to what they want out of life. So when Sarafina told me that when she grows up she wants to be the “perfume girl” in a department store, I felt like such a failure.

It’s easy to feel like a failure in this life, so I see no need to set New Years resolutions (a sure opportunity for failure) just to confirm that fact. Signs all around me tell me that I don’t measure up, that I’m not good enough, smart enough, rich enough or pretty enough. Maybe I should make a resolution to stop reading those signs.

One expectation that I’ve fallen short on is learning this silly language. We’ve been here for almost 6 months, and I was sure I’d be “popping” into conversations by now. But here I am, still chasing the words.

But maybe it’s like the boys on the playground thing: What would they do with the girls if they caught them? Who would they chase then? In a similar way, what fun would this experience be if I spoke the language? I would know where I am, where I’m going and what I am eating all the time – what fun is that?

There are some things that just don’t need explaining anyway. For instance, last week my parents and I took the Tren del Vino (wine train) through the Colchagua wine country. Wine. Train. What more needs to be said? (except that Viognier makes the best breakfast wine). The girls now sleep in until almost 9:30am every morning (insert sound of crickets chirping). And Sarafina’s career change is because perfume smells better than being a doctor in space. Now who can argue with that?

I’m all for keeping the language bar set low. I can’t be lured into a banal conversation with the guy next to me on the metro (subway) or the cola (checkout line) at the market. I’m not a failure just because I don’t understand the foul language other drivers shout at me. I may not be smart, pretty, rich, or bi-lingual, but thanks to my daughter I will always smell nice, and that’s good enough for me.



Blogger Ralph said...

I love what you write, Jacque!
Oh, and Sarah and I discovered viognier about a year ago - it's good. Why is there so little of it around here? The guy at the market just about had to grab my lips and mash them around in order for me to say it properly--vee-oh-knee-yay. I think I saw him shake his head and mutter as I turned to leave.
And as you might suppose, I have resolved to make to no resolutions this year. Gee, hope I can make it...
Via con Dios!

8:22 AM  
Blogger Kirsten Holmberg said...

With regard to our children's aspirations: Dania's hopes are to have many careers and to travel around the world. Good, huh? Now, see if this consoles you: Britta chirps in that she, too, plans to go around the world... to "find her boy." How's that for getting her advanced degree, the Mrs. ha!

6:33 PM  
Blogger Guy Bickel said...


I'm sure you are extremely popular there with the guys - from this most recent post I see an attractive women that is double-fisting, can't really carry on a conversation and smells good - PERFECT.


Hope things are well down there and look forward to see you all back here soon!

7:30 AM  

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