When we picked Ciervo up at the airport this week he said “It’s good to be home”. At the time, it sounded rather innocuous, but upon further reflection it seems revealing that he should travel from Colorado to Santiago to arrive “home”.
It’s been six months, and ½ of our time here has flown by. It seems like only yesterday when we struggled to meet our simplest needs, got lost, and used the Google translator to decipher the travel brochures. Oh yea, that did happen yesterday.
It’s fun to go somewhere new for a while and “reinvent” myself. For instance, I am no longer (who I was), but am instead Sisma: Goddess of Food and All Things Fabulous. I am super-together woman, fighting social norms wielding only my Platos y Copas (think Cooking Light) magazines with my angelic daughters in tow. I cook (OK, I burn), I clean (at least I thought about it once), and I wear skirts. I brush my hair now every morning and not a single neighbor has seen me in my ropa interior (underwear). I wear earrings. I have developed the power to offend people I don’t know and who don’t speak my language. My super hero name is “Sarcasmo”. I have skillfully retained my most famous power of midnight snacking and then waking early for the sole purpose of running off the calories.
I hope you’ll recognize me in six months. I look forward to returning home to unsuspecting friends and family. It’s true: Home really is where the heart is. So for Ciervo, home right now is Santiago. But for our family, home is Colorado. Prepare yourselves, we’ll be there soon.
It’s been six months, and ½ of our time here has flown by. It seems like only yesterday when we struggled to meet our simplest needs, got lost, and used the Google translator to decipher the travel brochures. Oh yea, that did happen yesterday.
It’s fun to go somewhere new for a while and “reinvent” myself. For instance, I am no longer (who I was), but am instead Sisma: Goddess of Food and All Things Fabulous. I am super-together woman, fighting social norms wielding only my Platos y Copas (think Cooking Light) magazines with my angelic daughters in tow. I cook (OK, I burn), I clean (at least I thought about it once), and I wear skirts. I brush my hair now every morning and not a single neighbor has seen me in my ropa interior (underwear). I wear earrings. I have developed the power to offend people I don’t know and who don’t speak my language. My super hero name is “Sarcasmo”. I have skillfully retained my most famous power of midnight snacking and then waking early for the sole purpose of running off the calories.
I hope you’ll recognize me in six months. I look forward to returning home to unsuspecting friends and family. It’s true: Home really is where the heart is. So for Ciervo, home right now is Santiago. But for our family, home is Colorado. Prepare yourselves, we’ll be there soon.

Hernando de Aguirre 865
Home...for now.
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