
It was wonderfully cool in Patagonia, where we were last week, that is: Patagonia. It rains a lot in Patagonia, hence the presence of the rainforest. Ahhhh, Patagonia…I’ll never forget the fires in the Fogata (outdoor fire/eating area) just enjoying the coolness of the night. In Patagonia, they hike a lot, ride horses, and fancy Once, a traditional Chilean “tea time” consisting of tea, pan amasado (fresh bread) with jam, and postre (pastry). I am so gonna have Once every day now because that’s what they do in Patagonia. It is so cool. I am so cool.
Sing with me:

P is for the Penguinos (penguins) that we saw there…
A is for the 3,000 year old Alerce trees that grow…
T is for the Totally cool person I am for having been there…
A is my horse Aventura that I know…
G is for the Gortex I wished I’d owned because it rained a lot…
O is for volcano Osorno which I’m happy didn’t blow…
N is for the Nothing that I did sitting by the river all day…
I is for my Injured bum from being saddle sore…
A is for the surprising Absence of any bugs as well as any rhyming, melody or organization of this song…
Put them all together and they spell PATAGONIA, la la la.
I am so going to buy an indelible marker and write the word Patagonia on all my outdoor gear, that is, my retired running shoes and $20 rain parka. Yea, I am definitely getting cooler by the minute. Wanna come stand by me?
Hello Sisma,
My name is Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia clothing and gear. I'd like to personally thank you for the shameless plugs for our company in your recent blog post. Please find attached to this e-mail a $20 gift certificate that you can use at any of our locations or online at
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