
Now, I may not be the brightest tool in the shed, but I just don’t get why you have to wear a swim cap all the time at all the pools around here, even short-haired people and those with comb-overs (OK, maybe those heads should be out of sight). I mean, come on, there’s nothing like donning a metallic-blue skull cap to make the bathing outfit complete. Cachai?
"Cachai?" passes the lips of Chileans about 100 times a day and means “understand?” or “get it?” to which we typically reply in our best Chilean accent “no”. No, I don’t get why I received a free backpack when I bought laundry detergent this week, but I’ll take it. No, I don’t understand why every car alarm sounds the same so I have to check every five minutes when one goes off to see if it is mine or not. And no, I don’t get the pink camouflage fashion trend.
While Termas El Corazon may sound enchanting, it was quite mediocre and heart-stoppingly expensive, seeing as the springs themselves are naturally occurring. If I’m going to be dropping that kind of cash, I would rather my knees be sore from getting on and off the chairlift and bar stools. Cachai?
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